terça-feira, 31 de agosto de 2010

Decorating Small Homes

Decorating Small Homes: It's always a challenge to combine a beautiful decoration with a small house, but fortunately there are many solutions in terms of furniture made to think about the problem of lack of space. This topic is discussed several times here at home decorating, as we are aware that this is a real concern of most people. One example is the case of a player who despite hints in the previous article on how to decorate small houses, said to be very difficult to decorate a small space. Therefore, this will always be a concern here on the blog, giving ideas and tips to solve the problems of decoration of everyday life. Today, let's talk about a solution to incorporate into bed with the room or the office.

Decorating Small Homes

In the decoration of small houses, always reinforcing the idea that the furniture is extremely important for a decorative and functional yet beautiful. A multi-functional furniture that fits your needs and available space is one of my preferred solution. In addition to all other advice related to keeping the house tidy and organized as possible, hiding the items needed for everyday use, leaving visible only the decorative items, to highlight the decoration and other tips that we've talked to in Article earlier on this topic.
For those who live in houses or small apartment and when I say small, I say "tiny", as is the case of a T0 or T1, to have all the items they need, without creating a sense of enclosure, you need a good dose of imagination . In a studio, living room and bedroom necessarily share the same space and if we want or need to add an office, it becomes even more difficult. See the example below, which shows you how to incorporate the bed in the living room, allowing you to still have a small office. In the photo, we can see that the solution to decorating a small house was take the space in height.

decoração estudio 2decoração estudio

Using the example above basis it is only a matter of adapting the idea of decoration to your particular case and may for example in the first picture, put a curtain or wall of glass to insulate the office and bedroom, living room be. That way, whoever enters the house does not see the bed, giving you some privacy.
Another concept that the modern design of the decoration is increasingly trying to implement, is the concept of "stackable cubes" or "transformable furniture." This solution is optimal for the decoration of small houses and at the same time gives a touch of modern decor and revolutionary to any home. Check below for an example of a rectangular mobile that turns into a bed and desk.

decoração para casas pequenas 1decoração para casas pequenas 2decoração para casas pequenas 3decoração para casas pequenas

Many more examples could show you, but it will be for an upcoming article. The important thing is to understand the concept to draw ideas of what you can do to a nicely decorated little house, or to decorate an apartment T0 or T1. This type of decoration requires a little more imagination, but the end result is very rewarding.
When you invite your friends to visit and they commented that the house seems much larger than it actually is, you will not regret all the effort devoted to the decoration of the house. Hope you enjoyed most of these ideas for decorating small houses and you have a suggestion, idea, question or opinion you want to share with us, leave your comments we will respond as soon as possible. Until now!

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